There’s a big demand for contractors these days. Have you considered making the plunge?
When you become a contractor you offer yourself the ability to help shape the world around you. You can work in the field of residential housing, helping realize apartment complexes throughout a major city. You can collaborate with civil engineers to breathe life into eco-friendly building projects. Becoming a contractor, however, is a steady process that requires researching, applying, and waiting. If this is your first time reviewing the Nevada State Contractors Board, consider looking below.
Your first step to receiving your Arizona contractor license is gaining more knowledge of your industry. Start your Nevada contractor license prep exam early and continue reading below.
The construction industry is a layered, complex one. There are hundreds of different specialties you can focus on after you’re approved by the Nevada State Contractors Board. You can focus on the educational field or instead turn to large-scale projects that will take years to complete. According to recent data provided by the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, two out of three construction professionals today believe the market will continue to grow over the years. This means more day laborers, more contractors, and more customers.
What else are you going up against? According to a 2016 study, the American construction market was worth an impressive $1,000 billion — with a market share of 10%, the United States is now the second largest construction market around the world. By the time 2017 came around nearly eight million people were employed by the construction industry. Private construction spending hit $900 billion in 2016 and, once 2021 comes around, new construction is set to exceed $1 trillion. Things are looking good for new contractors.
That said, looking into a Nevada contractor bond and signing up might be better done as soon as possible. That’s because in 2017 nearly 75% of Arizona contractors stated they were having a difficult time filling construction vacancies. Later studies found nearly 70% of Arizona contractors coming out and saying they increased pay for several jobs in order to meet rising demand — that year saw nearly 20,000 new homes expected to be constructed in Phoenix alone. The Nevada State Contractors Board is always on the lookout for qualified individuals to fill its ranks. Even a passing interest in a Nevada contractor license should be looked into.
If you have several interests you’re looking into, Arizona contractor dual licensing might be more your style. The construction industry only continues to grow, thanks in very large part to gains in the commercial sector. The year 2017 saw the construction industry adding over 200,000 jobs, with 30,000 being established in December alone. Your contractor license gives you the layered benefit of giving you experience, legal rights, and the ability to apply for insurance. It all begins with an application to your Nevada State Contractors Board.
Your first step is to double-check your current qualifications, including past working experience and schooling, and see where it holds up. You also need to ask yourself questions about which niche you want to work in. Some have higher demand than others, though the construction industry in general needs more workers. The contractors license exam prep will give you an overview of what to expect, from questions to research topics. If you have any questions you can always contact the Nevada State Contractors Board.
Demand is only getting bigger. Will you rise to the challenge?