AC building services are important. Residential customers and customers from multiple industries will need different HVAC service repairs. The people who choose to work in the HVAC field will have an important set of abilities. Some of these professionals will choose to become HVAC mechanics, and others will become HVAC technicians specifically. The HVAC mechanics will need to take mandatory exams before they can officially begin working.
The HVAC professionals who work on installations are usually technicians. These technicians will still also frequently fix AC systems. However, an HVAC mechanic can help customers with an HVAC system problem that takes longer to diagnose. It’s possible that some customers may need to call an HVAC mechanic after an appointment with an HVAC technician.
Some experienced HVAC professionals might become refrigeration technicians. Customers could need help from a refrigeration mechanic when they need certain problems solved. The refrigeration mechanics are more specialized HVAC professionals.
HVAC technicians earn HVAC certificates and complete apprenticeships in AC air repair. The certificate programs may take less than a year to finish. Students can learn about AC and heating installation, as well as AC and heating unit repair. They might need more specialized apprenticeships before becoming professional HVAC mechanics.
Everyone wants a career that pays well and has job security. Unfortunately, some can have problems having both of these job conveniences. One field that pays well and has plenty of job security is the field of air conditioning. One study found that, in 2016, HVAC technicians made an average salary of over $48,000 per year. Florida, Califronia, and Texas are the three most popular states for HVAC technicians. Research by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that, by 2022, the HVAC field is expected to grow by 21 percent. It’s no wonder many are seeking out a career in the HVAC field. In this post, you will learn the steps you need to take in order to become an HVAC technician.
The first step to becoming an HVAC technician is earning your high school diploma. In certain situations, a GED degree is also accepted. You’ll likely have choices of electives during these early years. One great class type to take is anything related to working with your hands. Wood shop and other hands on courses look great on your high school transcript.
Next, you’ll want to find an AC school in your area. Finding an air conditioner school provides you with a wealth of valuable training. This training consists of a multitude of learning exercises to properly train you. Coursework ranges to properly prepare you for work you will actually be doing. It’s best to find an AC school that offers a faster degree. You shouldn’t need to spend four years obtaining a degree which is a huge advantage of certain technical schools. You’ll spend less time taking classes and more time working out in the field and earning a nice living.
The goal of earning your degree will be obtaining your first HVAC job. You will begin filling out applications to companies in your area. Next, you will likely be given the opportunity to interview for the position in question. After successfully completing an interview, you will eventually receive a job offer. This offer may be dependent upon you passing required screenings and tests.
What you will do at your first job will vary. Companies may each have their own style of specific training. However, you will do certain tasks regardless of where you may end up working. You will usually receive additional training during your first few weeks at a new job. It’s common to shadow to follow around other workers. Shadowing allows you to see exactly how a company performs their work. You can use shadowing as a time to ask questions you may have forgotten to ask in AC school.

What HVAC Technicians Do
It’s time to answer the question concerning what do HVAC technicians do. You will want to know that HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and cooling. However, refrigeration work can also be included in the work you will do in the future. An HVAC technician find themselves working almost any place that has air conditioning. Common places for HVAC technicians are homes, offices, hospitals, and other facilities.

Traits of a Successful HVAC Technician
It’s best that a future HVAC technician is comfortable with sometimes cramped spaces. These technicians work with various electrical equipment and will need to be relatively handy. You’ll need to have a keen eye as you’ll be in charge of inspecting HVAC work. It helps if you are comfortable climbing ladders while sometimes carrying items. You’ll want to have familiarity with tools on the job as you will use them to repair faulty or damaged equipment.
In closing, becoming an HVAC technician is done in a few steps. Many people prefer this career because of the great entry pay and job security. The world of air conditioning repair jobs is continuing to grow. You’ll want to have a high school diploma or GED before starting HVAC training. It’s best to find an AC school to prepare you for the HVAC job field. These schools combine a wide variety of training to have you prepared for work you after finding employment. Follow the previously mentioned steps to begin a rewarding career in the field of air conditioning repair.