More and more often college job searches have at least one common thread: employers expect those applying for jobs in colleges to have a firm grasp on the latest technologies. Knowing the ins and outs of the digital classroom and the advantages and disadvantages of hi-tech instruction can mean the difference between getting the job and not getting it. Here are a few things you need to be comfortable discussing (and perhaps even demonstrating) to secure the best college jobs.
New Technologies Can Keep Classroom Instruction Fresh
Let’s face it: even the very best candidates for teaching jobs in colleges may struggle to make certain topics riveting. Trying out new technologies can actually spark students’ interest and re-focus their attention on you and the lecture at hand. While interviewing, make it clear that you are comfortable learning and using new technologies. Even something as simple as showing students short, relevant YouTube clips can show innovation.
Know What Technologies Can Save You And Your Students Money
While the college job search is primarily about your ability to teach, it is also about your ability to manage resources and work well with colleagues and students alike. With college tuition continually on the rise, more students are purchasing or renting e-books. It will bode well for you and your potential students if you can teach using physical textbooks and adapt lessons to take advantage of these less expensive alternatives.
Students Want To Keep Some Technology Out Of The Classroom
Discretion is one of the top qualities in any potential instructor or college professor. Sometimes, technology and classroom instruction just don’t mix — or students would prefer it that way. During interviews, make it clear that you are willing to work with students and respect their privacy. It is still a shaky area to require students to use a personal Twitter account or social media account for class, for example.
Approximately 2,925,703 U.S. men and women are working as part-time, full-time, and adjunct faculty (called upon as needed) in national colleges and universities — and the industry is worth over $442 billion! Join the ranks by carefully understanding the role of technology in the classroom and being able to discuss and/or demonstrate that understanding. For more information see this.