College is a big leap toward adulthood. Students are required to manage their own schedule, study for exams on their own time, and learn how to live life away from home.
These are some of the difficulties students face once they head off to college, but before they get there, there are also some significant hurdles to cross. For example, the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) can cause a great deal of stress for juniors in high school. SAT scores are often a determining factor in admittance to a college, with a higher score garnering more attention from schools.
For this reason, many parents enroll their children in SAT test preparation courses, SAT test prep online, and also test prep tutoring. These classes are taught by individuals who scored well on the SAT, and they give students important SAT test taking tips.
But the SAT’s are only one part of getting ready for college. In many cases, college prep programs are extremely beneficial for college-bound students, as they offer a simulated college experience to ready a student for the transition.
Here are a few of the different kinds of college prep programs offered in the U.S.
- Federal. There are some government funded programs that give students from low-income families and immigrant families, as well as students who are disabled, a chance to build the necessary skills to succeed in college. They are offered private tutoring and counseling, and are given individualized instruction to boost their confidence and ability.
- State. States like California, New Jersey, and New York have implemented state-level academic programs that work in a similar way. These programs usually work in tandem with federal programs, but also hone in on students who show sufficient potential, and are unable to shine because of economic difficulties. These programs reach out as far as kindergarten to provide students with the right motivational and academic help to aspire toward higher education.
- Local. Within most cities, there are education specialists that put together programs to benefit students at the local level. Many programs are geared toward target ethnic groups and students who come from low-income families, but there are others that accept all students. These students are given resources, mentoring, and counseling throughout their academic life, if they so desire.
So, college prep programs could be the best way to ready students for life after high school. These programs could put a student’s mind at ease, and help parents feel calmer about their child’s ascension into adulthood.