It is not an exaggeration to say that taking care of a child is the biggest responsibility anyone can have. It’s essential to provide your child with every advantage possible, especially during their formative early years. From birth to the age of three is the period with the fastest rate of brain development across the entire human lifespan. If children can be introduced to daycare activities during this critical time, it can provide tremendous advantages that can last for the rest of their life. This article looks at three benefits that come from sending your child to attend a daycare center.
- Better Performance in Preschool: With a wide variety of options, trying to find the best child care near you can appear to be a difficult task, but it can be relatively easy if you know what you are looking for in child day care programs. Among other benefits, sending your child to daycare can help a great deal with preschool preparation. Many daycares introduce the children that stay in their facilities to skills taught in preschool, giving those children a significant leg up over children who do not attend daycare. In fact, over 75 percent of children who participate in preschool programs outperformed their peers who did not participate in high-quality early care programs.
- Development of Socialization Skills: Another benefit of sending your child to daycare is that it can help develop basic socialization skills from a very early age. When looking to find the best child care near you, it is important to locate a child care facility that hosts a number of children in your child’s age range. In this way, by sending your child to daycare, they learn from an early age to socialize with their peers, which is a great advantage when they move on to attend preschool and kindergarten, as they will already have experience in basic social situations.
- Access to Extracurricular Activities: A third benefit of sending your child to daycare is this can provide your child with access to special extracurricular activities. When looking to find the best child care near you, it is ideal to find a program that offers special activities as they can stimulate your child’s development. For example, such activities might include swimming lessons or skating. Swimming lessons in particular are very important to have at a young age, since swimming can be useful for the rest of your life.
In conclusion, there are benefits to sending your child to daycare. One benefit is that attending a high-quality daycare can provide your child with preparation for preschool. Another is that attending daycare prompts early development of socialization skills. And attending daycare also provides opportunities to attend special extracurricular activities, like receiving swimming lessons. All of these are important benefits to sending your child to attend daycare.