When choosing an educational option for your child, there are many things to consider, and not all of those will be academic in nature. Families that are from minority groups and students with disabilities face a special set of circumstances that can affect their educational experience. Responsible parents are aware of these issues and want to find learning opportunities for their children that will be free from unnecessary obstacles or prejudice. According to Very Well Family, Catholic schools have a long history of welcoming and supporting minority, low-income, and disabled students and are among the most racially and economically diverse private school available. Let’s look at how classical education approaches these topics.
The Image Of God
At the heart of every Catholic school is a foundation of Biblical doctrine. One primary principle of Catholic doctrine is that we are all made in the image of God. This alone provides a strong foundation for policies and practices concerning students from all types of different backgrounds. This doctrine puts everyone on an equal playing field and puts the responsibility of respect and honor for our fellow humans on us all.
Academic Equality
In order to create a high-quality academic experience for everyone in the school, it’s important that everyone is offered the same learning opportunities, while at the same time offering accommodations for students who learn differently. Catholic classical education has always been about meeting students where they are and working to raise them up to their full potential. Academic equality plays a big role in this pursuit.
Community Spirit
One of the reasons many people find refuge and comfort in the Catholic church and Catholic classical education is because of the community that it offers. Inclusivity of all students, regardless of race, economics, or disability, helps to foster a sense of community in school and outside of school. We are all humans, created in God’s image and in need of inclusion and togetherness. Schools of this kind seek out ways to build this community every day in the way staff and students interact with one another.