Watch this video to learn the vital questions you should ask your kitchen and bathroom remodeler. Remodeling a bathroom or kitchen comes with different sets of challenges. Discuss with a remodeler and ask tough questions before deciding.
Here are three questions you need to ask as you proceed.
Ask about the cost. Remodeling costs money. You need to have a budget for the correct budget for the project that only an expert can give you. Naturally, the remodeler will let you know that for a same-sized house, a bathroom costs half the price of a kitchen to renovate with the same materials and finishing. It helps you to make the right money decisions and what to go for first if you are running on a tight budget.
The second question you need to ask concerns the recouped cost of the renovation or the return on investment from the project. A kitchen will give you a higher return on investment than a bathroom if you are selling soon after renovation. You get 80% from the kitchen in terms of returned value versus 60% from the bathroom. The kitchen gives you 80%, and the bathroom gets you 70% for light renovations.
Finally, ask your kitchen and bathroom remodeler about the inconvenience involved with the project. Remodeling a kitchen or a bathroom disrupts your life at home. Based on the degree of the renovations, you may need to find alternative accommodation or improvise to survive. Having this cleared allows you to know how long it will take. You can always do bathrooms without much stress, but for the kitchen, you can’t escape inconvenience. Call a contractor today!.