In today’s developed world, such as in the United States, Canada, and Europe, it is quite easy to take many things for granted, ranging from modern houses and cars to grocery stores, electronic items, and good-paying jobs. But even a successful business professional or a wealthy person may find themselves feeling a bit dissatisfied and disillusioned if they are not grateful for the wonderful things that they have and the wonderful people whom they know. No matter how much money in your bank account, it’s possible to feel empty and directionless if you don’t practice gratitude. The good news is that anyone, no matter what their station in life, may listen to podcasts about gratitude, get a meditation teacher or meditation instructor, or even hire a gratitude coach. It may sound silly at first, but listening to podcasts about gratitude and being grateful for all good things can transform a person’s worldview and even improve their productivity, family life, and more. The power of gratitude is there for anyone, meek or powerful, to borrow.
Statistics About Happiness
“Happiness” is an abstract term, but some research and statistics are being kept in the United States in an effort to track what makes Americans happy. A recent survey, for example, has shown that only 33% of Americans could say that they are happy in their everyday lives, but practicing proper feelings of gratitude may help change this. A person may easily find themselves in constant want or dissatisfaction if all they can think about is what they don’t have. Gratitude, by contrast, can bring a great deal of joy when a person focuses on the good things that they do have, and shift away from the constant “I need more” attitude.
Not that Americans are never grateful. Surveys show that plenty of people are indeed consciously grateful for the things that they have, the jobs that they work, and the people they know and love in their family and social circles. General trends show that women are somewhat more likely to adopt this paradigm, with some 52% of women expressing gratitude daily and close to 44% of men doing the same. What are they grateful for? Surveys show that 69% of people feel grateful when something unexpected but good happens, which could be nearly anything. It’s often on a “I know it when I see it” basis, as it can be personal in nature. Meanwhile, 62% of people report being grateful for their children and family, and gratitude may pay off in many ways.
Gratitude, along with other positive mental practices, may shape a person’s life in many and unexpected ways. A 2013 study done by the Journal of Psychosomatic Research revealed that people who are often grateful for things during their waking hours find it easier to fall asleep. Similarly, two recent studies with 243 participants showed that grateful people (about 10% more grateful than others) tend to have 17.5% more social capital, which can pay off in all sorts of ways.
Roads to Gratitude
Each person is different, but the proper material for boosting gratitude and happiness is always out there, from podcasts about gratitude to books and even live presentations. Some Americans, and motivational speakers abroad, have explained many ways to increase mental health and joy, and some of them release podcasts about gratitude or CD series.
A person may practice gratitude by clearing away what they can’t possibly feel grateful for. The United States is a nation of plenty and affluence, but that can go too far. Americans often spend too much money on what they don’t even need, so a person can carefully evaluate what they own and donate or recycle anything that they don’t want anymore. This brings the desired, leftover items into sharper relief, and the person may feel deeply grateful for them. This may also be done by ending bad or weak personal relationships and strengthening the rest.
A person may also hire a gratitude or meditation coach, who may help the client relax their mind and open their awareness to what is really around them, and not focus so much on what they don’t want. It’s remarkably easy to be miserable due to not having one particular thing, while that person has many other things already.