Helicopters are fairly complex but critically important vehicles that help save lives in both military and medical situations. In this video, you’ll learn more about the many helicopter parts that help these vehicles operate and get a better idea of how they run.
The most important parts are likely the main rotor assembly generator, the rotor blades, and the tail rotor.
These produce left (main rotor and rotor blade) and horizontal thrust (tail rotor) that help to allow a helicopter to lift off and fly horizontally without crashing or getting out of control.
Providing the power for these parts is the engine, transmission, and fuel sections. Most helicopters use diesel fuel to operate because it is more efficient and effective. This section is just in front of the cockpit, which is where the pilots sit. Behind the pilots are the passenger seats.
These are the main components of a helicopter, but many others exist to keep it strong. For instance, a stabilizer near the end helps to keep it from flipping unexpectedly in flight, while the tail boom helps the tail rotor operate properly. And the main landing gear and tail wheels keep the delicate parts off the ground when landed.