When farmers and gardeners are looking for ways to supplement the soil they grow their crops in, they generally have just a few options. They can choose to use inorganic fertilizers, animal byproducts, or compost. While all of these options can improve the nutrient profile of the soil, they are not all created equal.
In fact, many people value compost above all the other options.
The video posted here explains the benefits of using compost over inorganic fertilizers. Compost is a highly nutrient-dense soil supplement that comes from broken-down plant matter. It is full of nutrients that plants need to thrive. But it has some other surprising benefits. For example, farmland where compost is used habitually has reduced sheer strength. This makes it easier for farmers to break up the land and plant their crops.
Compost-enriched soils get better and better as farmers and gardeners add compost season after season. Compost can make the nitrates in the soil easier for crops to access. This added benefit can’t be achieved by simply applying inorganic fertilizers to the soil.
To learn more about compost, visit a garden center or agricultural supply store in your area. You may be able to choose different types of compost to suit your needs.