Jobs in the healthcare field are always available for nurses or doctors. However, many people seek healthcare services that directly address their problems. Medical training institutions have developed a path of education to equip today’s healthcare workers for those diverse needs. While some jobs may be done after traditional nurses’ or physicians’ courses, today’s unique service jobs also require additional specialized training.
Here are some emerging fields of specialized medical employment you may want to consider, and the path of education needed for someone who wants those jobs.
Diabetic Care and Education
Diabetes means a person has a high level of glucose (sugar) in their blood. Elevated blood sugar can result in damage to the patient’s other organs, delay wound healing, or lead to blindness. When a doctor diagnoses diabetes, the patient will need information about the disease, and about the symptoms they could experience if their blood sugar level becomes too high – and what to do in those situations.
A diabetic educator is usually a nurse. They will teach the patients to test their blood sugar and explain what their glucose levels should be. They also teach them about oral diabetic medications and about how (and when) to give themselves insulin. Diabetic educators – or dietitians- will discuss dietary changes patients will need to make.
Diabetes affects many parts of the body. Diabetic patients know they’ll need regular eye exams because diabetes can lead to visual problems. They will need to be shown how and why to care for and inspect their skin – especially the skin of their feet – for sores. They should be referred to a podiatrist, who can provide diabetic foot care, and cut their toenails. This is important because a foot injury could become a serious problem for a diabetic.
The path of education for those who want to provide care and education to diabetics would begin with a bachelor’s degree. Then, a future doctor must go to medical school and complete an internship. Some doctors will specialize in endocrinology (the study of hormones. Those who want to care for diabetic children must also pursue a study about pediatric endocrinology.
Nurses can provide care and education for diabetics after attending a nursing program at a university or a nursing school. Dietitians need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in clinical nutrition. Podiatrists need a bachelor’s degree and then must complete a course at a podiatric medical college.
New Jobs Using IV Therapy
Patients at hospitals or other medical facilities will continue to need medications and fluids delivered via intravenous methods. IV medications are delivered into a person’s veins by putting a needle into their veins and then delivering the medication through the tubing. Today, most hospitals have specially trained IV nurses; while other medical facilities might contract with an agency that provides trained workers who can oversee any iv therapy which might be needed.
These workers are also vital for home care patients since doctors are sending patients home to continue their IV therapy there. Other uses of IV therapy include cancer patients who need chemotherapy. The newest trends offer ketamine infusion to fight depression, or special fluid mixtures given for nutritional services or to enhance wellness.
The path of education taken by those who want to participate in these therapy services is those of a doctor or a nurse. IV nurses need specialized training to start and maintain IVs and may pursue graduate programs to capitalize on those skills. These services also employ pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Pharmacy assistants and pharmacists must get a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical science.
Plastic Surgery Services
Although plastic surgery has been available for many decades, there are many new services or types of facilities available to clients who have unique needs. People who need revision of their bodily features after an accident or trauma will be able to get those revisions from a plastic surgeon. Some facilities specialize in specific procedures.
You may find a job working as a local plastic surgeon or as an assistant at their offices. You may also want to work with scientists who are participating in scientific advancements which may soon result in the use of bones, artificial skin, blood vessels, and body tissue or surgical implants made by 3-D printers. Implants for joints such as hips, knees, and other body parts are now being created in a medical laboratory, although none have yet been approved for human usage.
The path of education taken to be a plastic surgeon begins with standard doctor’s training. After that, a new doctor must study further by participating in a fellowship for plastic surgery. To be able to work toward the development of 3-D body parts, you will need a course in biomedical engineering and or laboratory technology.
Working with Prosthetics
When patients lose their arms or legs – or parts of their arms and legs – the fields of prosthetics and orthotics will continue to develop better versions of today’s limb replacements. Many jobs work directly with patients who need prosthetics. Prosthetic counselors will measure and evaluate their residual limbs to determine the best type of prosthetics for them.
Physical and occupational therapists – and their assistants – will work with patients who have new prosthetic parts to help them relearn walking and other movements. As time goes on – especially for pediatric patients whose limbs will grow – they will need help with adjustments to their devices.
There are also jobs in a facility that creates prosthetic devices. These devices are made in a prosthetics factory by specially trained workers. The workers follow the measurements and specifications sent to them to create a prosthetic that will fit the patient comfortably.
The path to education for a job working with patients who have prosthetics may be that of a doctor. A job in a prosthetics clinic can be done by a physician assistant – who must first obtain a bachelor’s degree in a field related to healthcare. They must then work in a healthcare job to gain enough hours to apply for the physician assistant test. A physical or occupational therapist needs a bachelor’s degree, and then complete a course in physical or occupational therapy. People who want a job making prosthetics must get a bachelor’s degree and a graduate degree in prosthetics.
Emergency Medical Jobs
People will always need those who can care for them when they have a medical emergency.
When you arrive at the emergency room, you’ll need a nurse and doctor who has training in emergency medicine. To safely get to the emergency room, there are always jobs for EMTs and paramedics.
An aspect of emergency services few people consider is the need for equipment and devices that the EMTs and paramedics will use. In addition to portable EKG machines, blood pressure cuffs, oxygen tanks, and tubing, these workers need bags and kits to carry bandages, gauze, and other first aid equipment. One such kit is an IFAK medical kit, which traditionally holds items frequently used in trauma rescue.
The path of education to become an EMT is to complete a state-approved EMT course. If someone wants the more advanced job of being a paramedic, they must already be a licensed EMT. They will then complete 1200 additional hours of training and pass a certification test.
Skin Care and Skin Treatment Jobs
Our skin is our largest organ, and there are many medical problems that can be related to our skin. A doctor who cares for skin-related problems is a dermatologist. Traditional medical problems related to the skin can include care for rashes, the removal of moles, and skin biopsies. Teenage clients may consult dermatologists for acne treatments.
The path of education to provide skin care and treatment may begin with standard doctors’ training and then include additional study in dermatology. If the job involves skin revision, it may require training in plastic surgery. Other jobs related to esthetics require a course and a certification as an esthetician.
Body Shaping Jobs
People wanting to have a better body contour is nothing new. Exercise and diet have been used for many years to trim or reshape our bodies. Since the 1970s, many people have undergone liposuction treatments to remove excess body fat. A much newer service to reduce fat in the body is a coolsculpting service. Coolsculpting practices place sections of the body into cooling applicators in order to reduce the number of fat cells.
The path of education for those who want to perform liposuction is a standard physician or nurse’s training, with additional study and training to perform liposuction. A job in coolsculpting, would require a course and certification in esthetics.
Services for Learning Disabilities
In the past, students who did poorly in school weren’t usually classified by their specific learning disability to provide individualized educational plans. Today’s educators have found unique ways to work with students with many learning challenges. There are now public and private educational institutions that specialize in education for these students.
One such area of learning disabilities is for those working with students on the autism spectrum. Autism is a term referring to a wide range of cognitive, mental, and social impairments. These disorders can appear with symptoms as diverse as complete or partial lack of speech; to those who speak with repetitive speech and have extremely high IQs. Some very intelligent people with autism are referred to as “savants”; they display a genius level of ability in math or other areas of knowledge. Another disorder on the “autism spectrum” is called Asperger’s syndrome, which features some intellectual challenges along with socialization problems.
Students with learning disabilities will need an individualized learning plan. It is usually best for them to be in specialized classrooms, and to learn from teachers who have special training to work with learning disabilities. Because of their learning disabilities, these students and their families also need counseling and socialization therapy.
Workers with students who have learning disabilities, including workers who provide autism therapy, may provide several types of services. Some of these workers provide educational testing, educational coaching, and family and individual counseling. The path of education for these workers begins with a bachelor’s degree in education or psychology. They would then need to pursue a master’s degree related to the specific job they plan to do.
Infertility Counseling and Treatments
Couples trying to have a baby often become frustrated after years of unsuccessfully trying to conceive. Many women have gynecological problems that prevent them from becoming pregnant. There are some gynecologists and medical professionals who specialize in helping infertile couples to have a baby.
Some doctors will provide hormone treatments that may help a woman to get her body ready to accept and hold onto a pregnancy. Other facilities provide ivf treatments, which involve the fertilization of a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos will then begin their development in the lab before being implanted into the woman’s uterus. Within these facilities, counselors are often provided to help couples deal with the challenges related to infertility.
The path of education for helping these clients could be a standard path of physician education, followed by further studies in gynecology. Workers who help with IVF could be lab technologists, for which they would need a course in laboratory technology. Others may opt for a course in becoming an embryologist. Counselors would need a bachelor’s or graduate degree in psychology or counseling.
All these professions will allow you to help someone. They will also provide you with a good salary and with job security. If any of these jobs appeal to you, begin your path of education with a bachelor’s degree which includes courses related to healthcare. As you complete your schoolwork, you can visit various healthcare facilities to discover the types of services they do. Base your final career choice on your personal preferences, and you’ll be able to work at a job you’ll love.