If you choose to conceal carry a gun, there are many pieces of advice you should consider taking up before you walk out onto the street with a gun strapped to your hip. In this video, let’s take a look at just a few helpful hints to follow when you conceal carry a gun. And remember, having a decent concealed carry legal defense is a must!
BoJo is the narrator for this video, and he takes us through 5 tips. The first is to not fall victim to just doing and buying what other people are.
Take the time to do your own research and not just get what “looks cool” or what other people recommend. Everybody wants something different out of their weaponry, and so you should take the time to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need.
His second protip is to not just buy the most expensive toy out there. Just because it’s “beautiful” and costs a lot of money doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best BANG for your buck. By researching the gun first and taking the time out of your day to actually make sure it’s what you want, you will be better off in the long run.
To learn BoJo’s other advice, keep watching the video.