Did your family just move into a new community? Chances are that you’re searching for the best elementary schools for your children. You may be interested to know that due to their higher standards, the best elementary schools are private rather than public.
There are a variety of reasons why private schools are better than their public counterparts. One of the reasons is because 87% of these schools have less than 300 students. It’s important to note that during the 2011 to 2012 school year, the average private school size was 146 students.
Since private schools have fewer students, they are able to receive more individualized attention. It is not uncommon for each classroom to have 12 students per teacher. Furthermore, 60% to 80% of private school teachers have earned advanced degrees, which means that they are able to provide a higher level and standard of academic instruction.
You may be interested in the results from the “Condition of Education 2016” report which compared private school enrollments for the 2011 to 2012 school year with the 2013 to 2014 school year. During the former school year, there were just four million students enrolled in private pre-kindergarten to eighth grade programs. Private school enrollment increased for the latter school year, however, and there were 4.1 million students enrolled in these private school programs. This increase demonstrates that more parents are considering the benefits of their children being enrolled in private schools.
It’s also important to note that when your children are enrolled in private school programs, that they will also be able to engage in more extra-curricular and other enrichment activities so they can receive a well-rounded education. Private schools also encourage more parent participation, so you and your family will all benefit from opportunities to engage in these and other campus and community activities. This can also be a wonderful way to become acquainted with your new neighborhood and the community at large.
After you learn more about the best private school in your area, you will be able to visit and learn more about what they have to offer. Since you want your children to have a positive educational experience and develop confidence in themselves and their abilities, choosing private school is an excellent decision.